Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another day

Yesterday I got a visitor in the afternoon. My pictures of Tred arrived. They were just beyond beautiful. I enjoy looking at his pictures but then again it's so hard that I have pictures and not him. I also received my charm for my bracelet that I ordered for myself and the kids. I am still trying to find a decent priced keychain for Greg to have. I went to a support group last night and it was nice to be able to cry and not feel as thought I need to kep it together for the kids. I am trying to look at things in a lighter note but it's very hard to do when a piece of my heart is missing. I am trying to get out more but it's hard. I want to be happy but it's hard. I feel if I go and do fun things, I am not remembering my little boy. I know it sounds silly but I just don't want to forget him. I don't want my happiness to overshadow him being a person. Someone told me a great quote from the Dr. Seuss movie - Horton hears a Who "A person's a person no matter how small". Thank you for that quote!!!

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