Monday, July 20, 2009

Do things ever survive.

With losing 2 babies so close together I wonder if things will survive, like my marriage. Greg and I don't talk much at all. He is very distant with me and I just wonder if our marriage will survive. I've told him how I feel, I've told him that I need him to talk to me, I've pretty much told him many things and I get nothing back.

I wonder if things will work out between us.


Anonymous said...

It's so difficult to negotiate marriage in the midst of so much grief. I know there were many times I wondered the same thing. sending you much love. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh Angie. (((HUGS))) I'm sorry you both are going through so much.

Rachel said...

Angie - I'm so sorry that you and your husband are struggling to communicate during this most painful time. Have you guys read, "Couple Communication after the death of a child"? It's written by Sherokee Ilse and Tim Nelson. It's a small book and might be helpful if your hubby is willing to read it. Grief is hard enough without having to worry about whether your marriage is going to make it. I'll be praying for you guys!

Heather said...

What an awful thing to have to contend with on top of your grief. I've wondered the same thing. My breath was taken away by your losses. So much pain. "trying to live" I give you credit for even trying. For even wanting to try. Just remember, no one knows the same grief as you more than your husband. Give him time...lots of time, and lots of space. HUGS

Kristy said...

I'm sorry things are so hard Angie. As if you both haven't been through enough, to worry about your marriage on top of your grief. I hope you are both able to open up to eachother and lean on eachother for support versus shutting down. *hugs*